
“Man, working in that plant is a drag,” Richard grumbled. He took a long swig of beer and brought his mug down hard against the table. “Who would have thought food processing could be so disgusting,” he added. “I’ll be glad when school starts again. Thank God, I got my student deferment renewed.”
“It’s hot work, I’ll give you that,” Kenny replied. “But at least it’s a summer job and this bar is air-conditioned. So I hear you’re taking out some chick who works in bottling. What’s her name, Lisa?”
“Yeah, she’s a good time, if you know what I mean. Last Saturday we made cookies and watched old movies on television at her place.”
“Is she kind of tall and thin with a blond ponytail?”
“Yeah, that’s her.”
“I’m pretty sure I saw her the other day. Some guy pointed her out in the lunchroom. She did look hot, no doubt about that. So what would Janice think? I thought you two were talking about getting married.”
“Janice is seven hundred miles away. I’ll see her when I go back to school. Until then, I can’t be expected to put my sex life on hold. These are my peak years. I can’t fight nature.” Richard laughed and finished his beer. He then signaled to their waitress for another one.
“I suppose,” Kenny shrugged.
“Besides, it’s not just Lisa,” Richard continued. “I have a date next weekend with Cindy.”
“You mean that chick you went with in high school?”
“Yeah, I guess she still has a thing for me. So we’ll see where that leads this summer.”
“Does that mean you’re going to stop seeing Lisa?”
“Oh, hell no. I’m seeing Cindy on Friday and then Lisa on Saturday. I want to keep the thing with Lisa going for as long as I can. She’s kind of different. I mean with her I can really be myself. I don’t have to try to impress her for some reason. And we talk about everything – her childhood, my childhood, music, politics, religion, sex.”
“Yeah, she’s very open and honest about it, really a trip. She doesn’t have a lot of hang-ups like most girls do.”
“Does she like working in the bottling department? I mean that’s kind of a nowhere job.”
“Not really. She has other plans. She did well in high school, and she’s going to start college next fall. She’s just been saving up for it.”
“Speak of the devil. Isn’t that her coming in now? It looks like she has some guy with her.”
“Yeah, she does. What the hell?”
“You look really bummed out. What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know. I thought we really had something good going. I can’t believe it.”
“Maybe she’s just been using you.”

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